Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

These cute, little string art Christmas tree ornaments brand a nifty gift or keepsake decoration for your own Christmas tree. Your kids tin can fifty-fifty get some fresh air while they go out to hunt for the perfect sticks to make their tree. I'd recommend this arts and crafts for preschool up to developed, but adults should do the hot mucilage work with younger kids.

Hither is all you lot need to create your own String Art Christmas tree ornaments:

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

  • Dry twigs or sticks
  • Yarn (We chose dark-green, but a different color could be fun, too!)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Sparkly gold or silver card stock for the star
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Arts and crafts gum that dries articulate (We used Tulip Appliqué Mucilage.)
  • Toothpicks
  • Sequins for "Ornaments" (Pocket-size gems or pom-poms would work, too!)

First, accept a walk outside with your kiddos to find some dry sticks on the ground. You don't desire to take any off trees every bit they might have also much moisture in them to snap hands. Intermission the sticks into the sizes you want for your copse. A dandy style to break them off and command the sizes is to agree one end of the stick firmly against a counter or table with the other end sticking out over the edge. The part of the stick y'all are holding down should be the length you desire. Simply snap off the finish of the stick hanging off the border of the counter or table. You should become a fairly clean break.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Next, arrange the sticks into triangle tree shapes. This tin be fun for kids to play around with. And so, hot glue them together at the corners with a smaller, thicker twig in the middle at the bottom for the trunk.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Draw or trace stars on the back side of your sparkly menu stock and then you accept enough for each tree ornament you want to brand. Cut out and prepare bated.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Notice which side of your stick tree that has the most mucilage sticking out at the corners and make that the back. Hot glue the end of the yarn to the peak of the tree at the back.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Next comes my seven-year-former's favorite part! She got to effort hot gluing nether shut supervision, and loved it. Run some mucilage along both sides of the tree as shown. It will dry earlier you get-go wrapping the yarn, but that'due south ok. The glue is just at that place to provide some grip to the yarn when you wrap it, equally it tends to want to slid up to the tip of the tree.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Start wrapping that yarn! Get up and down the tree to accomplish a look y'all like. My kids had a tendency to wrap information technology also loose, and so make certain they wrap the yarn tight enough to stay put. If the yard does all the same slide up the tree, unwrap a scrap and put a piffling dab of hot mucilage on the spots that are sliding earlier wrapping it support.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

When y'all like the look of the wrapped yarn, snip it off with a pair of scissors and secure the loose end with hot glue. Make a carve up loop out of the yarn and hot glue it to the dorsum of the tree near the tip.

Easy String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

Now for some decorations! Flip the your tree over to the front and use hot mucilage to attach the star you cut out earlier. Use the clear-drying craft mucilage to put "ornaments" on your tree. We used a pack of sequins, which came in iii sizes from Michael's craft store.

Use the tip of a toothpick to dip into the glue, and dap that glue onto the yarn. Stick a sequin (or whatever you decided to utilize as ornaments) onto the dab of glue. Employ a make clean toothpick to push it down. Repeat as many times as you lot wish. My preschooler tried each size and decided the big ones worked best, so I'd recommend the larger size sequins to reduce frustration for the littlest hands.

Whether you and your children (or students) brand these trees every bit gifts, or just a fun ornamentation for you ain home, I know they'll exist treasured for years to come!

Merry Christmas!

Twig String Art Christmas Tree Ornament

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Source: https://www.icanteachmychild.com/easy-string-art-christmas-tree-ornament/

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