How to Never Post on 4chan Again
- What is 4chan?
4chan is a simple paradigm-based bulletin lath where anyone tin can post comments and share images. 4chan's collaborative-community format was inspired by one of the well-nigh popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel. Different boards are dedicated to different topics, from Japanese anime, manga, and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an business relationship before participating in the customs.
- How do I access the boards?
In social club to admission the total site, you lot must start read and agree to the terms of the disclaimer. To access the disclaimer simply click any board and a dialogue will announced. Your response volition be cookied so yous'll but demand to do this once (providing you don't articulate your cache/cookies afterward). If you wish to scan the site using frames, visit /frames.
- What should I know before I post?
Users are encouraged to participate actively in our community, but simply after they have familiarized themselves with the rules and this FAQ. Breaking the rules may consequence in postal service deletion, a temporary ban, or in some cases, permanent banishment. Empathize the rules before you begin posting!
- How practise I mail service anonymously?
To post equally "Anonymous", but exercise not fill in the [Proper name] field when submitting content. Information such as your personal IP address is viewable merely to the administrators, and is non fabricated publicly bachelor.
- Can I register a username?
No user registration procedure is available. If you're worried about somebody impersonating you, consider using a tripcode to assistance validate your identity.
- Must I mail service an prototype?
To start a new thread, yous must upload an image. 4chan is primarily an epitomeboard after all! When replying to an already existing thread, no attachment is required.
- Can I respond with an epitome?
Yes. To reply to a thread with an image of your own, click the [Reply] link and fill in the mail box equally y'all commonly would, making certain to specify an image for attachment.
- How do I quote somebody?
To quote a portion of text, merely identify a arrow (">") in forepart of the text you wish to highlight (ex. ">This is a quote"). To link to and highlight an entire mail, place two pointers in forepart of its unique post number (ex. ">>210981"). Cantankerous-linking to some other 4chan board is likewise possible, by placing three pointers before a board letter of the alphabet, followed by a post number (ex. ">>>/x/1208196").
If you're using our inline extension, just click the postal service number you'd like to reference and it will bring upwards a Quick Reply window for you to write your response in. Highlighting text and and then clicking the postal service number will quote the selected text.
- Can I marking a submission equally a spoiler?
Only certain boards permit you to mask plot-spoiling content. To mark your image every bit a spoiler, check the [x Spoiler Image?] box before submission. Spoilerizing text makes it unreadable to others until they mouse over information technology. To spoilerize a comment, place [spoiler] tags around the text yous wish to hide (ex. "[spoiler]SPIKE DIES![/spoiler]"). Misuse of these tags may issue in a ban.
- How practice I use a "tripcode"?
Tripcodes can assistance verify a user's identity to others, and are a type of pseudo-registration. To use a normal tripcode, place a hash mark ("#") followed by a word or brusk phrase after what you've entered into the [Name] field (ex. "User#password"). Upon submission, the server volition generate the hash unique to that particular give-and-take or phrase. The previous example would display " User !ozOtJW9BFA" after being posted.
Of import annotation: A tripcode is generated simply using the text entered after the hash marking. Your entered name, IP address, cookie information, etc. exercise not affect the output. Normal tripcodes are not secure, and can exist cracked with relative ease. For a more secure solution, encounter secure tripcodes.
- What is a "secure tripcode"?
A secure tripcode tin can be generated by placing 2 hash marks in the [Name] field, every bit opposed to ane as with a normal tripcode (ex. "User##countersign"). Secure tripcodes use a secret key file on the server to assist obscure their password. The previous instance would brandish " User !!rEkSWzi2+mz" after being posted.
- What is a capcode?
A capcode is a way of verifying someone as a 4chan team fellow member. Normal users do non have the ability to mail using a capcode. A moderator capcode will display " ## Mod
" after their name. Similarly, the administrator capcode displays " ## Admin
". Often times, a moderator will post every bit " Anonymous ## Modernistic
" in social club to go along their identity clandestine (which is policy). Janitors exercise not receive a capcode.
Annotation: Icons volition always appear alongside a capcode, and will display a tooltip that says "This user is a/the 4chan Moderator/Ambassador" upon mousing over them. If in that location is no icon/tooltip, the affiche is an impersonator.
- What is "sage"?
Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread non to bump to the top of the folio. Contrary to popular belief, a sage is non a downvote, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that yous've saged a thread may result in a ban.
- How tin can I exist returned to the board index afterwards I post?
In August 2012 the default behavior of posting was inverse. Upon posting users are redirected to their mail instead of the board index. To enable the legacy beliefs of being returned to the board index subsequently posting, enter "nonoko" into the [Options] field.
- Tin can I apply nonoko and sage at the same fourth dimension?
Yeah, enter "nonokosage" into the [Options] field.
- How do I report posts?
Reporting posts for review is extremely encouraged, as information technology helps us remove dominion breaking and/or illegal content faster. To file a study, click the "▶" button to the right of the post number to expand the mail service bill of fare, and so select the "Report post" option. A confirmation dialogue will pop up and ask if the post yous are reporting is a rule violation, spam, or if it contains illegal material. Be sure to mark this appropriately! Fill out the captcha, and then click on the Submit button.
Important note: Submitting intentionally imitation reports may effect in a ban. This policy is in place to discourage abuse of the system; it is not meant to dissuade users from submitting legitimate reports.
- How do I delete my own post(south)?
When you lot submit a post, a password cookie is automatically set that will permit you to delete your post should you choose to. As long every bit your browser retains this cookie, yous will be able to delete posts fabricated using information technology. To delete your post(s), bank check the box in the upper lefthand corner of the specific post(due south) you lot wish to remove, and scroll downwards to the bottom of the page and click the [Delete] push on the right. Checking the [10 File Just] box will cause merely the paradigm to exist deleted, leaving the comment untouched. Note that some boards and threads (ex. stickies) exercise not allow a user to delete their posts.
- Why won't my thread bump?
All threads have a ready bump limit (varies board to lath). When this limit is reached, a thread will no longer "bump" to the top of the board, causing the thread to descend through the pages until information technology is bumped off of the terminal page and pruned. This method of post-limiting, while sometimes inconvenient, assures that content is kept fresh on the boards.
- What does "work safe" hateful?
"Work safe" is defined equally "content that is safe for viewing in the average working environment." Boards that default to the Yotsuba B or Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered work safe. Posting content that is not suitable for this environment may result in a ban. The goal behind enforcing this rule is to keep the cleaner sections of the site accessible to those in restricted viewing situations.
- My post disappeared! Where'd it go?
Threads elapse and are pruned by 4chan's software at a relatively high rate. Since most boards are limited to ten pages, content is ordinarily available for only a few hours or days earlier it is removed. Well-nigh times, the post was probably pruned automatically, notwithstanding in some cases it may have been removed by a moderator or janitor. We ask that users refrain from reposting material that they believe to have been deleted by the moderators.
- Can I recollect an old post/image?
No. Content that has expired is removed from our servers. Please do non contact the states requesting content that has been pruned, for information technology is impossible for u.s. to assist you. Instead, try placing a request on the /r/ board.
- Can you lot assist me contact a specific user?
No. Unless a user elects to include an email accost or other contact data in their post, there is no way to contact that user privately. More details regarding our storage of personal information can exist institute here.
- How can I find the source of an image?
Google Paradigm Search and iqdb are great resources to identify the source of an epitome. You can access these services using our inline extension past clicking the "▶" button to the right of a post containing an image, so selecting "Image search". Remember: Posting requests for source information on the boards may get you banned—use /r/ for all requests.
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